A Day of Knitting

Hello all! Kimmy here to bring you a montage on my knitting process. I’ve been knitting for several years now…(does the math) 8 years to be exact. And I’ve developed some skills in that time frame. The best thing about that is that I continue to learn new knitting skills.
It’s one of my favorite hobbies and I’m so happy that I took that first step in learning how to knit. Crochet is a completely different thing. I’m slowly learning how, but I haven’t picked it up as quickly has I have with knitting. The best thing about crochet is that you can make the cutest creatures. Knitting is a bit different in that sense. I’ve been seeing a bunch of crochet items that are just too cute and I’ve been wanting to learn how to make them myself.
My biggest inspiration being Taylor from, Nothing But a Pigeon. I met her a couple years ago at a craft market and she was beyond nice. Her crochet taxidermy is amazing, I purchased a jellyfish from her and I’ve been inspired ever since. She makes a bunch of other animals too I, however, am still stuck on the jellyfish. It’s changed over the years. Above are the first two I ever knitted. The orange one was so perfect!!! I knitted it for a friend and I haven’t been able to get it to that level in a long tie. I want my knitting to be consistent. -.- Anywho, I’ve knitted a few since that first one as gifts for friends. It’s random, but I find them to be cute.
The one I’m knitting in the video happens to be a new version. The tentacles have curled ends and two toned colors on a few of the tentacles, just something I’m testing out.
Thanks for watching and reading.
This post was written by:
KIM VERA - (view all posts by Kim)
Kim works as a museum Copywriter and helps out with events from time to time. When she isn’t working or blogging, she is probably off taking a nap. Feel free to email her at kim@mind-speaks.com