Yarn Galore

We have finally opened up our Etsy shop!!! I’m super excited to add more items, and we are busy thinking about what we should add next. If you haven’t already stopped by our shop, go and take a look, one of our items are dying to be claimed by you. :3
I wanted to share with you the bow clips that are now in the shop right now. The ones we have at the moment are inspired by the bow colors of the Sailor Scouts. Like we mentioned before, it was National Sailor Moon Day and so we wanted to make something for the occasion. However, we will also be adding different color bows, so you can have your choice of bow and center color. These little bow clips are just a wonderful accessory, and they fit in any type of hair. Short, long, curly, or straight. We are also thinking of adding them to headbands, in case you prefer that instead of clips.
We are super excited to have the Etsy up and running and we hope to add more items in the upcoming months. More knitted items are sure to make an appearance so subscribe to our Instagram or follow the blog for more updates. We appreciate the love we’ve been receiving and hope to do more giveaways in the future.
Thanks for reading and commenting
This post was written by:
KIM VERA - (view all posts by Kim)
Kim works as a museum Copywriter and helps out with events from time to time. When she isn’t working or blogging, she is probably off taking a nap. Feel free to email her at kim@mind-speaks.com
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