Currently: Yarn Testing

I’ve purchased some new knitting needles that I’ve only been able to slightly use. They are round needles in the US size 50 and are surprisingly easy to use.
The reason for the larger needles is because I wanted to knit a nice comfy blanket. You need extra chunky yarn….and a lot of it. I’ actually not too certain how many skeins I need in order to make a decent size blanket. My original plan was to arm knit this blanket, there are quite a lot of tutorials going around and I just had to try it out. I think I need extra extra chunky yarn in order for it to work the way I want it to. Either that or buy regular chunky yarn in even more skeins. I just wanted to save myself some hassle and buy X amount of skeins once instead of multiples of smaller skeins. It made sense in my head. The yarn I bought was from Hobby Lobby, and it’s from the brand Yarn Bee. I couldn’t find it on their site but I’ll keep browsing the net so that I can link it later.
I also purchased the needles from Hobby Lobby and the reason I bought circle needles is because the loop was long enough to knit a blanket. All of the straight needles were much too short, plus round needles allow a more comfy knitting experience. More movable? The arm knitting, although easy to learn, just wasn’t progressing the way I had hoped. The stitches just weren’t as tight as I wanted them to be so I switched to the needles and since I needed the needles to be pretty long I just went with the circle needles.
I prefer wooden needles because of how light weight they are…believe me you’ll noticed the difference after switching. I wanted to test out the needles with the chunky yarn I had purchased and that’s when I noticed it will take many more skeins to finish the blanket but I’m looking forward to testing out more skeins and finding the right yarn in order to knit the blanket I have in mind.
Until then, I will gladly try out tons of yarn. More updates to follow.
Any projects you’re currently working on, or do you have any tips when dealing with yarn and round needles?
Thanks for reading.
This post was written by:
KIM VERA - (view all posts by Kim)
Kim works as a museum Copywriter and helps out with events from time to time. When she isn’t working or blogging, she is probably off taking a nap. Feel free to email her at
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