Knit 2 Purl 2

It is FINALLY COLD!!! I love wearing warm jackets,stockings and….SCARVES. Recently I learned how to knit, but I only know how to make scarves and fingerless mittens. XD
- Size 8 US knitting needles
- yarn
- knitting needle
- scissors
- row counter (optional)
I followed this video, but since I had different size needles I had to changed it to work with what I had. The video calls for 24 chains, but I had to cast on 32 for the finished glove to fit my hand. The more chains you cast on the bigger the glove will be. Just make sure it is an even number. After you cast on 32 chains you knit 15 rows of rib stitch, (knit 2 purl 2) then 12 rows alternating between knit and purl rows. Lastly, return to the rib stitch with 6 rows (remember you can adjust these numbers to the size of glove you want). It might take a few times to get it just right but when you figure out your numbers the finish product is great.
I first learned how to finger knit which was an easy alternative to actually knitting with needles. But I taught myself over the winter break, I’m so happy that I finally learned. My next step is to learn how to knit hats. Then from there its on to crocheting. I want to learn how to make the amigurumi dolls. But so far I am stuck, so until I can learn how to do that I will strengthen my knitting skills. ;D
This post was written by:
KIM VERA - (view all posts by Kim)
Kim works as a museum Copywriter and helps out with events from time to time. When she isn’t working or blogging, she is probably off taking a nap. Feel free to email her at