Mmm nothing like homemade bread ^___^

I alway wanted to make my own bread so I had the time and decided to make it 😀
Ingredients you will need are:
3 packages (1/4 ounce each) active dry yeast
2 cups of warm water
1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of butter (or one stick of butter) I would use unsalted butter but I didn’t have any on hand so I used salted butter I decided to not put any salt, it turned out great so use which ever you like.
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten
7- 3/4 cups of bread flour
First: in a bowl dissolve yeast in warm water. Add the sugar, salt, eggs, and 4 cups of flour; beat until smooth. Stir enough remaining flour to form a soft dough.
Second: Turn onto a floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes. Place in a greased bowl (I used extra virgin olive oil but you can use anything) turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 45 minutes. ( you can use a bread maker if you want but you don’t need one for a warm surface I used my rice cooker to help rise it.)
Third: Push down two fingers into the dough if the finger dents stay its done if not it needs to rise more. If ready punch dough down. Turn onto a heavily floured surface; divided into thirds. Shape each portion into a loaf. Place in a greased loaf pan. Cover and let rise for another 45 mins.
Fourth: Preheat oven at 350 and bake for 30 mins or until golden brown. let it cool and then Enjoy 😀
It should make three loaves I made two only cause I underestimated how big it would get lol but its very good it maybe sweet but my family fell in love with it 🙂 Hope you try it!!
This post was written by:
KAT VERA - (view all posts by Kat)
Kat is a lead pastry chef. When she isn’t in the kitchen she’s traveling space and time with Doctor Who and solving mysteries with Sherlock. Email her at