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A Day of Knitting

A Day of Knitting


Hello all! Kimmy here to bring you a montage on my knitting process. I’ve been knitting for several years now…(does the math) 8 years to be exact. And I’ve developed some skills in that time frame. The best thing about that is that I continue to learn new knitting skills.

It’s one of my favorite hobbies and I’m so happy that I took that first step in learning how to knit. Crochet is a completely different thing. I’m slowly learning how, but I haven’t picked it up as quickly has I have with knitting. The best thing about crochet is that you can make the cutest creatures. Knitting is a bit different in that sense. I’ve been seeing a bunch of crochet items that are just too cute and I’ve been wanting to learn how to make them myself.

My biggest inspiration being Taylor from, Nothing But a Pigeon. I met her a couple years ago at a craft market and she was beyond nice. Her crochet taxidermy is amazing, I purchased a jellyfish from her and I’ve been inspired ever since. She makes a bunch of other animals too I, however, am still stuck on the jellyfish. It’s changed over the years.  Above are the first two I ever knitted. The orange one was so perfect!!! I knitted it for a friend and I haven’t been able to get it to that level in a long tie. I want my knitting to be consistent. -.- Anywho, I’ve knitted a few since that first one as gifts for friends. It’s random, but I find them to be cute.

The one I’m knitting in the video happens to be a new version. The tentacles have curled ends and two toned colors on a few of the tentacles, just something I’m testing out.

Thanks for watching and reading.

This post was written by:

kimKIM VERA - (view all posts by Kim)
Kim works as a museum Copywriter and helps out with events from time to time. When she isn’t working or blogging, she is probably off taking a nap. Feel free to email her at

Game of Thrones Toppers

Game of Thrones Toppers

Having a Game of Thrones theme party? The finale is upon us and I created these easy to print/cut cupcake toppers to use for any event! Print on any card stock letter paper and you can use toothpicks to attach to a cupcake/pastry.

Cupcake Toppers Full Print Sheet

I only created a few family banners, please note I have not and will not make a topper for House Bolton for obvious reasons! For some reason at our party people kept asking where Bolton banner was…yuck!!!

If you do use these I only ask that you don’t claim them, sell them or repost them as your own. These are free for personal use only, please don’t direct link.

GoT Cupcake Toppers (1205 downloads)

This post was written by:

mijaMIJA VERA - (view all posts by Mija)
Mija has been a designer for the last 15 years. She is a paper obsessed fiend and loves working on new projects while listening to her kids and Maine Coon cat chatter around the house. You can email her at

Wall Decor

Wall Decor

We here at Mind-Speaks were given the opportunity to create a project for Cut Out Keep, using Red Heart’s Grande Metallic yarn. I decided to make some wall art, using my new favorite technique in knitting. Double knitting!!! This yarn is super fun, it has strands of metallic thread and it just makes the wall art pop. We were given 4 skeins in the colors, straw, mulberry, wisteria, and glacier. Such pretty pastel shades! Those are usually the type of colors I aim for when choosing yarn. Red  Heart yarn is my favorite to use, the texture is always great and it makes knitting easy and comfortable when sliding the yarn on and off the needles.


  • 2 skeins in different colors
  • size 15 long length knitting needles
  • wooden dowels length varies depending on chart (optional)

*Keep in mind, these are the materials that I used, feel free to change the needle size.


I decided to use a heart shape for this project, but you can use any pattern.  Just remember that if you use a pattern that isn’t the same on both sides, your project will be backwards on one side. I used Craft Passion’s heart chart for this, it came out nicely, however I do wish that I used a longer dowel, but that was the only size I had at the time.  It’s a sturdy enough yarn to not require a wooden dowel in the first place, but I wanted to use one. I’ll add the link to the tutorial once it is live on the site. But for now, here’s  a finish picture of the project and some progress photos.

Thanks for stopping by and keep crafting

This post was written by:

kimKIM VERA - (view all posts by Kim)
Kim works as a museum Copywriter and helps out with events from time to time. When she isn’t working or blogging, she is probably off taking a nap. Feel free to email her at