So this recipe is a work in processes I’ve been wanting to make Pan Dulce for a long time now ( for those who do not know what pan dulce is its a Mexican sweet bread with a cookie shell on top.)
- 1 package of yeast
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 1/2 cup luke water
- 3 1/2 cup of water
- 4 eggs, beaten and room temperature
Mix 1 table spoon of sugar and yeast into lukewarm water. let it sit for 10 mins.
In a large mixing bowl, cream shortening and sugar. Slowly add in eggs, salt, and yeast mixture. Add flour in 1 cup at a time until incorporated. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 45 mins.
Divide dough into 16 pieces and shape each into a ball. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet with plenty of space between each ball. Press each ball slightly to flatten it. let dough rise for a hour. After the dough is on its way to rising make topping.
Topping ingredients:
- 1/2 cup of shortening
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar
- 1 cup flour
- 3 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Optional: food coloring
Mix all ingredients in a food processor until smooth. With you’re hands, divided the topping into 16 pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and roll it out on a floured surface. Until its large enough to cover each dough. About 5 inches in diameter. Lightly press topping onto dough and use a knife to cut a pattern into the topping, but not into the dough.
After you add topping bake at 350 for about 15 mins or until lightly golden.

I still want to work on this recipe so if y’all do decide to make it I would love your opinion on it ^^
Also since it doesn’t have preservatives it will only keep for two to three days.
This post was written by:
KAT VERA - (view all posts by Kat)
Kat is a lead pastry chef. When she isn’t in the kitchen she’s traveling space and time with Doctor Who and solving mysteries with Sherlock. Email her at
I keep meaning to update but my wedding took over all our lives, but it is now done and we have lots of projects for Mind-Speaks for 2013!!
All three of us worked really hard on the concept and aesthetic for my wedding. Please take a look, we made over 100 pinwheels, pompoms, placemats, buttons, koozies etc.
It was an amazing day and I really do thank my sisters and my best friend who all stood by my side as my bridemaids and helped with making everything out of paper!

Photos by Ethan Avery Photography
This post was written by:
MIJA VERA - (view all posts by Mija)
Mija has been a designer for the last 15 years. She is a paper obsessed fiend and loves working on new projects while listening to her kids and Maine Coon cat chatter around the house. You can email her at
So I’ve been working on a few different sewing projects. But they haven’t been coming out like I hope. So I have stepped away from my sewing projects…for now. I’m the type of person who can’t sew if I’m frustrated. I end up making more mistakes so its just best to focus on something else.
Thankfully there are many other things I can do to be creative. My best friend had her baby shower a while back and
she had asked me to decorate a letter from her daughter’s name for her nursery. I got the letter L but I was having trouble deciding on how I wanted to decorate this letter. I knew I wanted to use a minty color, and then while browsing around Hobby Lobby I found a shadow box picture frame. I’ve always wanted to make a shadow box of my own but just never got around to it. So I found a small L and decided to make one for my friend. I had planned on putting some pretty paper behind the letter but then remembered I had some really cute fabric that matched the color of paint that I chose for the frame. I think it came out exactly how I pictured it, added bonus the bedding she registered for at Target totally match the shadow box. So that worked out great. :3 Moving on to the next creative topic. I finally got my hands on a SMASH* book. I’m really excited about it. Mija and I mention it over at our personal blogs, so feel free to check it out. We here at Mind-Speaks love crafting so we each fell in love with the SMASH* books. I purchased the Eco book and
I’m loving it. At first I was a bit hesitant, I didn’t want to “ruin” the pages. But once I started “smashing” I was no longer worried. And I’m now obsessed. Right now I’m currently working on my hobby page. I first started with my more obvious hobbies. Writing and sewing are my big hobbies. But I like to think of myself as a collector of hobbies. I love learning new skills, however, I wouldn’t exactly say I exceed at them. But it doesn’t stop me from learning. I taught myself how to use a sewing machine and to knit. Thank goodness for the internet. Back to the page, so as you can see the majority of this page is focused on sewing. It’s the easiest hobby to smash. I was having trouble figuring out how to show case the rest of my hobbies. I turned to the net for some inspiration and I discovered a bunch of free printables. I immediately started pinning and printing. I do plan on making some of my own but I thought since these were done and ready for use I decided on making my own some other time. XD The ones I’m using on this page is a journal card from here and a capture this moment camera card from here. Great freebies if you’re interested. I used instagram pictures for this page, it actually helped clear
the smashing block. I’m really happy with how my pages are turning out at this point. I kept thinking that I have to go in order when smashing but then I remember there are no rules to smashing. The point is to have fun with it and be creative. So this page is towards the back, I let the page speak for itself when I was deciding which one I wanted to use. The left page isn’t quite finished yet, there is actually a pocket on that side and I’m just trying to decided what I will smash in that pocket. I’m thinking maybe some poetry I wrote last semester or maybe a letter to myself. I dunno yet.
So what kind of planning do you do before you sit down to smash? Do you have rules you follow, or do you just wing it? :3
This post was written by:
KIM VERA - (view all posts by Kim)
Kim works as a museum Copywriter and helps out with events from time to time. When she isn’t working or blogging, she is probably off taking a nap. Feel free to email her at